Category: For teachers


Anagrams is the game, which is definitely one of my personal favourites. Anagrams a really fun way to review vocabulary at the beginning / end of the lesson or the week, which doesn’t require ANY preparation. The only thing a teacher needs to do is to mix up the letters of eachword they choose to…

By Anna Flávio 1st September 2020 0

Simple Reading Lesson Routine

Use this activity with any kind of text (an article, a coursebook text, etc.) write the title of a text on the board. Ask students where it comes from (a newspaper, a book, etc.) next, learners think of as many words as possible connected with the title. Write the words on the board. learners read…

By Anna Flávio 27th August 2020 0

Relative clauses

Use the following board game with your students to check their understanding of Relative clauses. There are two types of exercises: fill the gaps with the correct pronoun (which, who, where, etc.) join two sentences using the correct relative clause (Some students, who love studying, do online courses). As a follow-up, you may ask your…

By Anna Flávio 26th August 2020 0

Who are you?

Assign each student a secret identity (or allow them to choose one). These might have to do with a particular topic, e.g. jobs, or just be famous people of their choice. One at a time, the students enter a ‘party’ and start chatting to each other (in pairs / groups). The goal is to determine…

By Anna Flávio 18th August 2020 0

Picture’s worth 1000 words

As a warmer activity, you might want to show your students an unusual photo (for instance, taken from this website), and ask them to create a short story to go along with the picture. Students spend about 3-5 minutes generating ideas (either alone / in pairs/ in small groups), then share their stories. Alternatively, each…

By Anna Flávio 15th August 2020 0


After covering a grammar topic, for instance, Present Simple, prepare some sentences (about 10), and mix the words up in them. Display these sentences using an interactive whiteboard, a projector, a flipboard or just a whiteboard. The students work individually / in pairs / in small groups to unscramble the sentences. For example: like Ben…

By Anna Flávio 17th July 2020 0


When studying a vocabulary topic, for instance, Sports or Food, ask students to prepare a survey table (example below) of 4-5 questions for their peers. The example below is related to the Topic of Food, and practises the question Do you like…? – Yes, I do / No, I don’t. Name / Food tomatoes chicken…

By Anna Flávio 16th July 2020 0