Author: Anna Flávio


It was a dull spring Wednesday. The heart of the week, which is so hard to endure when one is constantly deprived of holidays. David stepped onto the floor tentatively. He was not yet ready to abandon his soft warm bed entirely so he grabbed the edge with all his might. Maybe, it would last,…

By Anna Flávio 4th July 2021 0


Anagrams is the game, which is definitely one of my personal favourites. Anagrams a really fun way to review vocabulary at the beginning / end of the lesson or the week, which doesn’t require ANY preparation. The only thing a teacher needs to do is to mix up the letters of eachword they choose to…

By Anna Flávio 1st September 2020 0

Simple Reading Lesson Routine

Use this activity with any kind of text (an article, a coursebook text, etc.) write the title of a text on the board. Ask students where it comes from (a newspaper, a book, etc.) next, learners think of as many words as possible connected with the title. Write the words on the board. learners read…

By Anna Flávio 27th August 2020 0

Relative clauses

Use the following board game with your students to check their understanding of Relative clauses. There are two types of exercises: fill the gaps with the correct pronoun (which, who, where, etc.) join two sentences using the correct relative clause (Some students, who love studying, do online courses). As a follow-up, you may ask your…

By Anna Flávio 26th August 2020 0

Soft Citrus Cake

Cake Wheat flour – 200 g Brown sugar – 70 g Butter – 100 g Eggs – 3 Orange (about 200g ) – 1 Baking powder -5 g Syrup Lemon juice – 30 ml Water – 30 ml Sugar – 40 g Honey – 1 tbs Mix eggs and sugar with a mixer for about…

By Anna Flávio 25th August 2020 0

Porous chocolate cake

Ingredients: butter – 100 g dark chocolate – 200 g cocoa powder – 1 table spoon sugar – 50 g milk – 200 ml flour – 200 g corn starch (maizena) – 1 table spoon baking powder /baking soda – 1 tea spoon ( + a few drops of lemon juice) In a small pan,…

By Anna Flávio 20th August 2020 0

Easy dinner:)

Ingredients: salmon steaks soy sauce olive oil garlic salt spinach leaves bread sweet potato potato curry pepper Roasted potatoes: Place sliced potatoes and sweet potatoes on a tray, add salt, soy sauce, olive oil, curry, minced garlic, and a few table spoons of water. Roast at 200º for about 40 minutes. Then, grill for another…

By Anna Flávio 20th August 2020 0

Who are you?

Assign each student a secret identity (or allow them to choose one). These might have to do with a particular topic, e.g. jobs, or just be famous people of their choice. One at a time, the students enter a ‘party’ and start chatting to each other (in pairs / groups). The goal is to determine…

By Anna Flávio 18th August 2020 0

Picture’s worth 1000 words

As a warmer activity, you might want to show your students an unusual photo (for instance, taken from this website), and ask them to create a short story to go along with the picture. Students spend about 3-5 minutes generating ideas (either alone / in pairs/ in small groups), then share their stories. Alternatively, each…

By Anna Flávio 15th August 2020 0

The plum tree

To my dad, who never stopped fighting, and saving. It was a chilly spring morning. The weather was playing around again, leaving little choice and few sunny sparkles. The pain in Jacob’s leg was constant, dull and exasperating, taking his breath away at times and rushing his thoughts somewhere far from the cloudy morning and…

By Anna Flávio 11th August 2020 0