

Hi! My name is Anna. I am an English teacher, and I’ve been one for the past 11 years.

– 2009 – started teaching kids in Russia

– 2010 – graduated with Honours from Linguistics and Translation Department

– 2010 – CPE (Certifcate of Proficiency in English), DALF C1, moved to Portugal

– 2011 – began working in Portuguese language schools

– 2011 – CAP do Formador (final mark – Very Good (Muito Bom))

– 2016 – CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) – achieved the highest mark Pass A

More on my Education and Experience here.

Plus, a huge number of courses and webinars, meant to assist in my becoming a better teacher. Hopefully:)

Finally, I’m 32 years old, and I’m (the happiest) mother to two marvellous boys, who are being raised bilingual. I speak five languages, three of them on a daily basis.

I am fond of cooking, reading, exploring new places with my family, and travelling.