
16th July 2020 0 By Anna Flávio

When studying a vocabulary topic, for instance, Sports or Food, ask students to prepare a survey table (example below) of 4-5 questions for their peers.

The example below is related to the Topic of Food, and practises the question Do you like…? – Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Name / Foodtomatoeschickeneggslemonscheese
An example of a survey

Each student interviews each of their peers in case the class is small (alternatively, you could do this activity in pairs / in small groups), noting down the answers. Afterwards, during the Feedback session, ask them to report their findings in the following way:

Maria likes chicken, but she doesn’t like tomatoes.

With older students, you may ask students to write open questions rather than yes/no ones. So, for instance, they could ask each other about what they ate yesterday:

What did you have for breakfast?

Name / Mealbreakfastlunchdinner
Pedromilk, breadmeat, rice
Mariacoffee, croissantchicken, potatoes

In that case, the students would be practising Past Simple. At the end, you may draw a graph on the board, marking the number of students who ate the same kind of food.

Here’s a nice chant about Food, which you can use before or after the activity.

Check out the other Vocabulary activities here.