
1st September 2020 0 By Anna Flávio

Anagrams is the game, which is definitely one of my personal favourites.

Anagrams a really fun way to review vocabulary at the beginning / end of the lesson or the week, which doesn’t require ANY preparation.

The only thing a teacher needs to do is to mix up the letters of each
word they choose to revise.
Write a word or words on the board.
The students then race to identify the vocabulary. They may work alone / in pairs / in groups.

They may first write the words in their notebooks, and then pass them onto the board. Or, they may start writing on the board at once.

Here’s an example related to the topic of Food (for instance, suitable for Starters):

ugasesa – sausage

dlmeoane – lemonade

tmoato – tomato

mwarenlote – watermelon

wbrysarter – strawberry

You can also use the excellent Wordwall website to create personalised Anagram activities for your learners (like this one).

Check out more Vocabulary activities here.