Simple Reading Lesson Routine

27th August 2020 0 By Anna Flávio

Use this activity with any kind of text (an article, a coursebook text, etc.)

  • write the title of a text on the board. Ask students where it comes from (a newspaper, a book, etc.)
  • next, learners think of as many words as possible connected with the title. Write the words on the board.
  • learners read the text quickly. Cross off all the words from the text that they can find on the board.
  • learners read the text again, and, in pairs, make a note of all names, dates, numbers they’ve encountered while reading. A volunteer from each pair comes to the board to write them.
  • cover the text. Students try to remember what the names, dates, and numbers refer to. Check.

You can find some interesting articles here or here.