Teaching as a piece of cake…meant to be shared.

22nd July 2020 0 By Anna Flávio
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Teaching is probably the most psychologically and spiritually rewarding activity that exists. First of all, sharing ideas, knowledge with someone, whether it’s an adult or a child, we generously hand this person something that might eventually or almost immediately create a better, more successful and, above all, happier person. Moreover, teachers have enormous power as they are able to endow students with such huge confidence and motivation that later no one can ever confront them without risking being blown away. On the other hand, lacking care, we can destroy the core, trample down the sprout that, initially shy and timid, could grow into a marvellous tree.

Furthermore, nothing equals to that moment of enlightenment when after trudging through numerous examples, word combinations, drawing parallels, and even improvised theatre performance, we finally manage to communicate the concept, a broad smile flourishes on a student’s face, literally burning with new knowledge, reaching from inside. In fact, I must admit that it feels like arriving at the finish line, exhausted, though radiant with joy about the accomplished goal.

In addition, and here I am going to speak about how selfish teachers are, this is one of those jobs where you have a nice chance to be…remembered! Obviously, not everyone cares about that detail. However, at the end of the day we are what others remember about us.

Lastly, let us consider the most humdrum, superficial reason why being a teacher is beneficial. However mercenary it might sound, sharing something with others, we tend to expect compensation. And here, apart from all the assets I have listed above, there is invaluable learning from students, every day, during a short exchange before a class or customary discussion of their last weekend and plans for the next. Indeed, we are used to thinking students are to study and teachers are to teach. Nevertheless, this traditional approach is dying out rapidly and the outcome reinforces the concept of rewarding, exchange, compensation. Also, learning from students is strengthened by dealing with various cultures, representatives of completely different mentalities and bearers of exclusive mind frames, which enriches us even further.

Thus, in that learning process cultures, ages, genders, ideas are mixed and in the end, like in a boiling soup, everyone comes to the surface with its unique flavor, and all we,teachers, have to do is grab a spoon and taste this magnificent combination of our philosophy, incorporated into others’ heads in a peculiar way, blended there with already existing notions and beliefs and handed to us on a silver platter, which makes it one of the biggest and happiest rewards in our lives.

What about you? How do you regard teaching?